Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I'll be home for Christmas... {personal}

December brought all kinds of emotions for me. I was missing my brother, anxiety was at a high and I was just in a funk. Thanks to my momma, I was able to get through it (Oh, and a good phone conversation with my best friend/sister). Life is a beautiful thing BUT gosh darn it, it can hurt like hell. 
Soooooo, Christmas this year was not to see how many presents we could stuff under our tree. Christmas was about embracing the people I love. I took in every moment at mom and dad's house. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner, did some dancing to mom's favorite dance song "Pump Up The Jam", lots of reminiscing and laughter filled the house. I even got my big girl camera out to capture our day. 
My family was the medicine I needed. Even though, Jerald, is not physically with us, he's still a part of us.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Things that make you go hmm...

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Today is one of those days I wish I was a unicorn. I edited my night away into the morning of 3am and woke up at 6:45am to do some more editing. While I was working I had an inquiry about my photography pricing and I was told it's a bit steep. 
That hit a nerve and for some reason I can't shake it off. 

 I've been doing photography for 8 years now. I'm not a newbie who can charge next to nothing because they are wanting to build their portfolio. I've been there and done that...8 years ago;) Photography is my life. This is how I feed my family and pay bills. I want people to understand that running your own photography business is not cheap. We have our off season and busy season. We're not guaranteed a paycheck every week. To be guaranteed that paycheck we have to bust our butts and sometimes that means putting our work before our family. 

 I shouldn't have to explain how I determine my pricing BUT I will break it down for you. 

 1. Equipment. Equipment is not cheap!!! Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars have been spent to have the proper equipment 
(not to mention backup equipment) to produce the best product for our clients. 
 2. Miles. This is the part my husband hates BUT I have to go where the client wants me. 
We put lots and lots of miles on our vehicles to get to our shooting location(s). 
 3. Gas. Not cheap but we have to pay it to get to our location(s). 
 4. Babysitter. 
 5. Time. Majority of my engagement and senior sessions are done in Van Wert or Fort Wayne. That 30 mins to 1-hour drive there and back plus add on the 1-2 hours of shooting has me gone for 3 to 4 hours just for a session (keep in mind, I'm paying for a babysitter). 
That is why I charge more for seniors. 
 6. Our job doesn't stop after our session. There's many, many hours ahead to edit those images. 
 7. Computer equipment. MAC's are not cheap!!! 
 8. Software/website. I pay $30 a month to upload each clients images for viewing or if they purchased copyrights they can do an 
instant download from that site. I also pay for photoshop and light room. 
 9. Insurance. We all need it. 
 10. Editing. Family, senior and weddings all have different pricing. The more images that need to be edited the more I charge. Editing is not just loading the pictures onto your computer and cropping to size. It's making sure each image has proper color, light, making faces clean and smooth and most of all it's a sharp image! 
 11. Copyrights to your images. The price tag on that is priceless! That's the photographer's time and talent to create those images. The photographer is allowing you own their creativity, 
the finish product. 

 Now that I have let you in on what it takes to run a photography business I hope you have a better understanding. Every photographer has their own pricing and reasoning behind that price. We are entitled to our own opinions but sometimes it's better to think then to speak ;) 

 Live forever LOUD, Erika

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winter Special for 2015 SENIORS | NW Ohio and NE Indiana Senior Photography

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Click on SENIORS and you'll find my print pricing. To book your session email

Friday, January 30, 2015

Camera HAPPY Moms Workshop | Northwest Ohio Photography Workshop

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Are you wanting to learn how to take better pictures of your kids or grandkids? This is the PERFECT workshop for you!!! Bring along your DSLR camera and I will teach you the different settings on your camera. Get a better understanding of your camera and how it works. No more out of focus or blurry pics!!! For more details and pricing please email me at

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wedding Special {Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana Wedding Photography}

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I'm running a WEDDING SPECIAL in the months of January and February.  Book your wedding and receive $200 off any package.  A $300 non-refundable retainer fee is required to book your date with the remaining balance due two weeks before the wedding.  You can find my packages and pricing by clicking on WE DO up above.  If you know someone who is looking for a wedding photographer share this link with them {please and thank you ;)}.

camera HAPPY moms WORKSHOP

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You just got a new DSLR camera for Christmas and you have no idea how to use it OR you have had a DSLR camera for quite sometime and you want to learn more. Let me help you! I will offer two different types of beginner classes. Email me at for more information and pricing :) 

 live forever LOUD, Erika

Alexis+Josh {Van Wert, OH Wedding Photography}

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In the seven years of shooting weddings I have never had to deal with rain...Until Alexis and Josh's wedding day.  It rained all day making it impossible to get outside photos.  Very sad :( but we made it work.  I knew the bride wanted to capture the fall leaves so I arranged to meet up with them the next day to get pictures of them. Thank God it was a gorgeous day and I was able to get more shots.
I wish these two a lifetime of happiness :)