Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I'll be home for Christmas... {personal}

December brought all kinds of emotions for me. I was missing my brother, anxiety was at a high and I was just in a funk. Thanks to my momma, I was able to get through it (Oh, and a good phone conversation with my best friend/sister). Life is a beautiful thing BUT gosh darn it, it can hurt like hell. 
Soooooo, Christmas this year was not to see how many presents we could stuff under our tree. Christmas was about embracing the people I love. I took in every moment at mom and dad's house. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner, did some dancing to mom's favorite dance song "Pump Up The Jam", lots of reminiscing and laughter filled the house. I even got my big girl camera out to capture our day. 
My family was the medicine I needed. Even though, Jerald, is not physically with us, he's still a part of us.

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